الأربعاء، 19 ديسمبر 2018

6 Thoughts You Think When You’re Being Ghosted

Being ghosted is what happens when you’re dating someone, and they suddenly just start ignoring you, completely wiping your existence from their lives without doing the courtesy of letting you know. It’s a pretty rude practice, and there’s been a spike in the amount of ghosting especially with the rise of online dating where people are reduced to left and right swipes. Either way, being on the receiving end of it can be a tolling process, and these are the different stages.

1. The inevitable first stage of denial: maybe he’s sleeping, or just really busy, or maybe he lost/broke his phone coincidentally close to the time he started ignoring my Facebook messages.

2. Maybe I broke my phone. Something must be wrong with my texting? Even though they all say “delivered”?

3. Why have I been on his Facebook looking for clues that don’t exist for the past two hours? *Slowly analyzes every female tagged with him in social media photos*

4. Maybe he’s really into me, and is just playing hard to get. I thought only annoying girls did that. Guess dudes can be annoying too.

5. The slow dawning of acceptance: ok, he has the balls to turn on his read receipts, and all my Facebook messages say “seen” so I guess this is really happening. No freak deaths and no phone in the gutter.

6. I’m not ugly enough for this to happen to me. Am I too pretty for this? I am definitely cuter than him.

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